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Australasian Gannet high above Manly Beach

It was a stormy morning at Manly Beach. Birds circled high above the sea, swooping on the air currents.

My camera was at maximum zoom, so the pictures are fuzzy. I could see that this bird wasn’t a seagull. Is it an albatross, I wondered? I posted the question on Reddit, and got the answer that the bird is most likely an immature Australasian Gannet.

Here’s another shot of the bird:

Common name: Australasian Gannet
Scientific name: Morus serrator
Approximate length: 85-90 cm; wingspan: 1.7-1.9 m
Date spotted: 6 May 2024 (autumn)
Location: Manly Beach, New South Wales, Australia: 33°47’43.5″S 151°17’25.2″E

This is a first sighting for me! The description for Australasian Gannet in my bird book says that the gannets enter estuaries, bays, and harbours to shelter from rough seas. That would certainly fit the weather this morning. On Reddit, I learned that it’s quite common for the birds to come close to shore in autumn and winter.

There are more pics of the bird on my Reddit post, for those who want more details. In the meantime, I’ll leave with you with a view of the stormy sky and sea: