Category Archives: Corella

Sleepy Corellas in Newcastle

A few days ago, I was in the city of Newcastle on Australia’s east coast. The city lies about two hours’ drive north of Sydney. Like its namesake in the UK, this Newcastle too is known as a coal-shipping port. A river runs through the city. In a small green area on the river bank, in the middle of the city, a large number of Corellas roost.

When we saw them, most of the Corellas looked sleepy:

This one looks like a cuddly toy nestled in a Christmas tree:

Little Corellas are a type of cockatoo. To me, they look rather ghostly, with their pale beaks and that ring of pale blue around their eyes.

The next one looks more interested in what’s happening:

If you’d like to see more pictures of the city of Newcastle itself, take a look at my travelling bookmark’s blog.

Common name: Little Corella
Scientific name: Cacatua sanguinea
Approximate length: 36-39 cm
Date spotted: 11 March 2022 (late summer)
Location: Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia: 32°55’32.3″S 151°46’45.4″E

Little Corella and Sulphur-crested Cockatoo

Yesterday I came across a large group of Little Corellas on the sidewalk. In the midst of them was a Sulphur-crested Cockatoo. It was interesting to see the two birds up close, because from afar they look very similar. This video shows an interaction between the cockatoo and one of the corellas. You can also hear the corellas chatting to each other constantly.

These two corellas were cuddling up:

The crest of a Little Corella is white, and smaller than that of a Sulphur-crested Cockatoo:

Little Corellas have blue-grey feet, a blue patch of skin around the eye, and a pinkish patch of feathers between the eye and beak. The birds’ overall colouring makes them look rather cadaverous!

Common name: Little Corella

Scientific name: Cacatua sanguinea

Approximate length: 36-39 cm

Date spotted: 23 May 2020 (autumn)

Location: Allambie Heights near Sydney, Australia

Little Corella sipping water from roof guttering

From a distance, Little Corellas look very similar to Sulphur-crested Cockatoos. It’s only when you get up close that you notice the differences. Corellas do have a crest on their heads, but it’s smaller than that of their sulphur-crested cousins and doesn’t have a yellow flare.

Up until a few months ago, it was unusual to see these birds in our neighbourhood on the east coast of Australia, but I’ve seen them three or four times recently. I filmed this one sipping water from the gutter on the roof of a house:

Little Corellas have big, rubbery-looking blue patches around and under their eyes. The first time I saw one of these birds, for a couple of seconds I thought it was a very sick Sulphur-crested Cockatoo!

Often the crests on their heads are laid flat, as in the above photo. Here’s one with a raised crest, giving it that typically cheeky cockatoo look:

I’m delighted to add this bird to my posts about the various types of cockatoo that I’ve seen in our neighbourhood.

Common name: Little Corella

Scientific name: Cacatua sanguinea

Approximate length: 36-39 cm

Date spotted: 26 May 2019 (Autumn)

Location: Allambie Heights near Sydney, Australia