So lucky! King Parrots and Eastern Rosellas come to visit

Two days ago, a couple of Eastern Rosellas dropped by. The next day, I was getting ready to write this blog post when two King Parrots came visiting. We’re so lucky, to have such beautiful birds in the area.

Eastern Rosellas

It’s quite odd: we have visits from two of these little parrots at around this time every year. The pattern is always the same: I hear them twittering, and lean out of the window. A male perches on our telephone line, or on a branch near by, and gives a little show for his lady friend. The show consists of some twittering, and bit of feather fluffing and scratching, and some wing shuffling. Then, after a few minutes they fly away.

Eastern Rosellas are medium-sized parrots, measuring about 30cm from head to tail. This is the male:

Here he’s in the middle of a wing shuffle:

The female looks on:

Common name: Eastern Rosella
Scientific name: Platycercus eximius
Approximate length: 30 cm
Date spotted: 19 February 2024 (summer)
Location: Allambie Heights, NSW, Australia

King Parrots

Sitting in the lounge the next afternoon, I heard a soft thunk and then an inquisitive chirp from the veranda. A female King Parrot perched on the window sill, looking in to see what was happening:

The male sat on a branch close by, keeping watch:

At 44cm from head to tail, King Parrots are quite a bit larger than the Eastern Rosellas (30cm). The birds stayed for around 15 minutes. Of course, I talked to them, as you do. The female let me get within a couple of metres.

She was quite happy to turn her back on me and check out the goings on outside:

At the start of this video, the female perches on the window sill, peering in. I then find the male outside the window. The view judders a bit, as I need to kneel down to get the male in view. A cockatoo squawks as it flies past:

In the next video, the female is perched on the window sill looking outwards. If you turn up the volume, you’ll hear her soft chirps at around 6 to 12 seconds into the video. Then I manoeuvred carefully around some obstacles on the veranda, and moved the camera to outside the window. Now you can see the female’s head peering out at the bottom of the view, and the male perched on a branch higher up (and also reflected in the window pane). An Australian Raven wails. The camera pans out to show the view.

It felt like a huge privilege to be able to chat to these quiet, majestic birds.

Eventually, the female flew out onto a branch:

Both birds stuck around for a while. Maybe they were enjoying the view! Then they swooped away to grace another house or tree.

Common name: Australian King Parrot
Scientific name: Alisterus scapularis
Approximate length: 44 cm
Date spotted: 20 February 2024 (summer)
Location: Allambie Heights, New South Wales, Australia

About Sarah Maddox

Technical writer, author and blogger in Sydney

Posted on 2024/02/21, in Birds, King Parrot, Parrot, Rosella and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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