Baby black swans and ducklings

Baby swans are called cygnets. Pictures of cygnets from white swans are quite common, but what do baby black swans look like? Very similar to the white-swan babies, it turns out. They’re grey and fluffy, with black eyes, feet, and beak. I was delighted to spot a family of black swans while out walking a couple of days ago.

The parent swans were watchful, taking care to keep their little ones in a group. A male swan is called a cob, and a female is a pen. Five babies! That’s a lot of curiosity and cuteness to look after.

Did I say five babies? Yes. One of the cygnets was fossicking around in the undergrowth at the water’s edge. You can see the fifth little one in this video:

Common name: Black Swan
Scientific name: Cygnus atratus
Approximate length of adult: 120 cm
Date spotted: 9 October 2020 (spring)
Location: Manly Dam Park, New South Wales, Australia: 33°46’58.5″S 151°15’18.6″E

Nearby was a family of Australian Wood Ducks. The ducklings are almost as cute as the cygnets. But not quite!

Common name: Australian Wood Duck
Scientific name: Chenonetta jubata
Approximate length of adult: 50 cm
Date spotted: 9 October 2020 (spring)
Location: Manly Dam Park, New South Wales, Australia: 33°46’58.5″S 151°15’18.6″E

About Sarah Maddox

Technical writer, author and blogger in Sydney

Posted on 2020/10/11, in Birds, Duck, Swan and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Are you sure those cygnets are not adopted 😉

  2. Yes – your old workmate from the CBA – that Gordon!!

    • Hallo Gordon
      How nice to hear from you! And on a bird blog, no less. It’s good to think back to those days at the CBA. I hope you and your loved ones are happy and healthy.

      • Oh, and by the way – the comments on your Facebook page and Messages from “Restorer’s Shed” are from me too. ??

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