Little Corella sipping water from roof guttering

From a distance, Little Corellas look very similar to Sulphur-crested Cockatoos. It’s only when you get up close that you notice the differences. Corellas do have a crest on their heads, but it’s smaller than that of their sulphur-crested cousins and doesn’t have a yellow flare.

Up until a few months ago, it was unusual to see these birds in our neighbourhood on the east coast of Australia, but I’ve seen them three or four times recently. I filmed this one sipping water from the gutter on the roof of a house:

Little Corellas have big, rubbery-looking blue patches around and under their eyes. The first time I saw one of these birds, for a couple of seconds I thought it was a very sick Sulphur-crested Cockatoo!

Often the crests on their heads are laid flat, as in the above photo. Here’s one with a raised crest, giving it that typically cheeky cockatoo look:

I’m delighted to add this bird to my posts about the various types of cockatoo that I’ve seen in our neighbourhood.

Common name: Little Corella

Scientific name: Cacatua sanguinea

Approximate length: 36-39 cm

Date spotted: 26 May 2019 (Autumn)

Location: Allambie Heights near Sydney, Australia

About Sarah Maddox

Technical writer, author and blogger in Sydney

Posted on 2019/05/26, in Birds, Cockatoo, Corella, Parrot and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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