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So cute! Juvenile Red-browed Finches

I was wandering around a new area of the bush, to the west of Sydney near the Blue Mountains, when I saw a couple of little birds that I couldn’t at first identify:

From the red in their tails, I thought they might be Red-browed Finches, but they didn’t have the characteristic red stripes above their eyes.

Then I saw an adult with them:

They were juveniles, yet to develop the red brows.

Common name: Red-browed Finch
Scientific name: Neochmia temporalis
Approximate length: 12 cm
Date spotted: 30 March 2024 (summer)
Location: Bulcamatta Falls Track, The Devils Wilderness, NSW, Australia: 33°33’19.4″S 150°36’04.8″E

Red-browed Finch builds nest in lichen-covered tree

A little Red-browed Finch wrangles a long supple twig into its nest. The nest is in a lichen-covered tree, making a pretty scene with the red flashes on the bird against the green of the lichen.

The nest is barrel-shaped, bigger than I’d expect for such a small bird, with a small hole at one end:

The tree is in a swampy area of Manly Dam. When the weather is wet and humid, the lichen flourishes, as now:

In the dry summer heat yet to come, the lichen will die away, but it always seems to come back.

Common name: Red-browed Finch
Scientific name: Neochmia temporalis
Approximate length: 12 cm
Date spotted: 22 December 2023 (summer)
Location: Manly Dam park, near Sydney: 33°46’23.1″S 151°14’35.9″E

Spiffy little Red-browed Finches and a Pardalote

In the muted tones of a wintry day in the bush after rain, the green and red colouring of the Red-browed Finches stands out cheerily:

Red-browed finches are small (about 12 centimetres from beak to tail) and fast-moving. The red on their brow and tail can be quite vivid, as in this little one.

Common name: Red-browed Finch
Scientific name: Neochmia temporalis
Approximate length: 12 cm
Date spotted: 17 July 2023 (winter)
Location: Manly Dam park, near Sydney: 33°46’48.7″S 151°15’03.9″E

There were a couple of Pardalotes hopping around too:

I’ve shown better pics of Pardalotes in earlier posts.

Common name: Spotted Pardalote
Scientific name: Pardalotus punctatus
Approximate length: 10 cm
Date spotted: 17 July 2023 (winter)
Location: Manly Dam park, near Sydney: 33°46’48.7″S 151°15’03.9″E

Red-browed Finch

A Red-browed Finch in the sunlight, pausing on the way between here and there.

A Red-browed Finch perched on a branch in the sunlight

Common name: Red-browed Finch

Scientific name: Neochmia temporalis

Approximate length: 12 cm

Date spotted: 31 March 2020 (late summer)

Location: Manly Dam National Reserve, near Sydney: 33°46’54.5″S 151°15’08.7″E

Red-browed finch on Casuarina tree

A few of these pretty little red-browed finches were feeding on a tree as I passed this morning. This one sat still long enough for me to snap a picture. I think the tree is a Casuarina, also known as a swamp she-oak.

Common name: Red-browed Finch

Scientific name: Neochmia temporalis

Approximate length: 12 cm

Date spotted: 4 February 2018 (Summer)

Location: Manly Dam National Reserve, near Sydney: 33°46’36.6″S 151°15’16.4″E

Red-browed Finch

This little finch is looking very spiffy. I guess he’s donned is brightest feathers for the spring socials.

Here’s a still shot, grabbed from the video:

Red-Browed Finch

Common name: Red-browed Finch

Scientific name: Neochmia temporalis

Approximate length: 12 cm

Date spotted: 27 September 2014

Season: Spring

Location: Manly Dam Reserve, New South Wales, Australia

Latitude/longitude: 33°46’35.4″S 151°15’13.0″E