Category Archives: Spinebill

Eastern Spinebill all fluffed up

Usually, Eastern Spinebills look sleek and well groomed. This one seems to be having a bit of an off day.

Common name: Eastern Spinebill
Scientific name: Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris
Approximate length: 16cm
Date spotted: 19 November 2023 (spring)
Location: Manly Dam Park, New South Wales, Australia: 33°46’23.8″S 151°14’38.2″E

Two more Yellow-faced Honeyeaters!

A few weeks back, I saw my first ever Yellow-faced Honeyeater (recorded in this blog post). At that time, I was near the little town of Capertee, out west of Sydney. Since then, to my surprise, I’ve spotted two of them at my frequent haunt: Manly Dam on Sydney’s Northern Beaches.

The first occasion was when I was filming an Eastern Spinebill that was dipping itself into a quiet pool in the creek that feeds Manly Dam. Towards the end of the video, another bird flutters into view. It’s a Yellow-faced Honeyeater:

The above two birds were on the northern shore of Manly Dam, right where the smaller creek merges to form the north-eastern arm of the dam (33°46’24.5″S 151°15’05.8″E).

A couple of weeks later, I saw another Yellow-faced Honeyeater, this time in the forest on the southern shore of the dam (33°46’50.5″S 151°14’54.1″E):

Common name: Yellow-faced Honeyeater
Scientific name: Lichenostomus chrisops
Approximate length: 16-18 cm
Date spotted: 14th and 26th May 2023 (autumn)
Location: Manly Dam, New South Wales, Australia: 33°46’50.5″S 151°14’54.1″E

Shy Eastern Spinebill

Eastern Spinebills have long curved beaks, giving rise to the name “spinebill”. They’re one of many types of Australian birds that live on plant nectar and insects. Unlike many other honeyeaters, though, spinebills are shy and don’t stay in one place for long.

The bird’s dramatic colours of white, black, and chestnut, as well as its red eye make it a striking presence in the Australian bush.

Common name: Eastern Spinebill
Scientific name: Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris
Approximate length: 16cm
Date spotted: 29 May 2021 (late autumn)
Location: Manly Dam Park, New South Wales, Australia: 33°46’29.7″S 151°14’46.0″E

Eastern Spinebills and peaceful patterns

Eastern Spinebills are pretty little birds, with dramatic white and dark grey markings at their throats, and soft orange chests. Their long thin beaks give them their name. They’re honeyeaters, feeding on nectar from flowers, with the occasional insect too.

This video shows what it’s like to be in the Australian bush surrounded by Eastern Spinebills. You can hear the spinebills and other birds all round. The video doesn’t zoom in on the birds, but every now and then you can spot them flitting through the foliage.

The birds were in one of my favourite spots in the Manly Dam national park. Here’s a pic showing the patterns and peace in the area of the bush where the spinebills hang out:

Common name: Eastern Spinebill

Scientific name: Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris

Approximate length: 16cm

Date spotted: 15 September 2018 (Spring)

Location: Manly Dam Reserve, New South Wales, Australia: 33°46’24.3″S 151°15’03.8″E

Eastern Spinebill preening

This 7-second video shows an Eastern Spinebill tidying its feathers. Eastern Spinebills are small, fast-moving birds that whiz through the midlevel vegetation. They’re part of the honeyeater family. It’s often hard to identify these spinebills, as they don’t stay in one spot for very long. This one gave me an excellent view of its long, curved beak.

Common name: Eastern Spinebill

Scientific name: Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris

Approximate length: 16cm

Date spotted: 3 June 2017 (Winter)

Location: Manly Dam Reserve, New South Wales, Australia: 33°46’49.6″S 151°14’51.3″E

Eastern Spinebill near Sydney, Australia

This pretty little bird is fast-moving and hard to photograph. The trickling noise in the background is the waterfall at Manly Dam Reserve. Towards the end of the clip, you’ll hear first a Whipbird and then some tweeting that may be the Spinebill itself.

Here it is, an Eastern Spinebill dancing around as it catches insects. At least, I think that’s what it’s doing.

Common name: Eastern Spinebill

Scientific name: Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris

Approximate length: 15 cm

Date spotted: 6 March 2016

Season: Late summer

Location: Waterfall at Manly Dam Reserve, New South Wales, Australia

Latitude/longitude: 33°46’08.5″S 151°14’29.1″E