Category Archives: Shrike-thrush

More calls of the Grey Shrike-thrush including a sneeze

A few weeks ago, I posted my first video featuring the call of the Grey Shrike-thrush. I’d read that these birds make a variety of calls. Here are two more to add to the collection: A, short, high-pitched shriek and a longer call interrupted by what sounds like a sneeze or a snort!

When I first heard the sneeze-interrupted song, I thought the bird had made a mistake. But it made the same call consistently over quite a few minutes. Maybe the call is this bird’s variation on a theme, or perhaps the bird is a juvenile who’s still perfecting its song!

Common name: Grey Shrike-thrush
Scientific name: Colluricincla harmonica
Approximate length: 23 cm.
Date spotted: 8 September 2021 (spring)
Location: Manly Dam Reserve, New South Wales, Australia: 33°46’15.6″S 151°14’51.5″E

Call of the Grey Shrike-thrush

I’ve heard the lovely, clear calls of this bird a few times, always in the same spot on one of my favourite walks. Now at last I’ve identified the bird. It’s a Grey Shrike-thrush (I’m pretty sure) and this is only the second time I’ve managed to get some pictures of one of these birds.

In this short video, you can see glimpses of the bird and hear its call:

Evidently these birds have a variety of calls. In the next video, the same bird is singing a slightly different tune:

The next video gives a much better view of the thrush in its favourite gum tree, but the bird is taking a break from singing. In the background are the harsh calls of a wattle bird:

The bird is rounder and more fluffy than the drawings in my bird book, but the colouring and the song seem right for a Grey Shrike-thrush. I think the difference arises from the fact that there are different races of this bird in various areas of Australia.

The wing feathers have a lovely olive tinge, blending in nicely with the gum nuts and leaves:

Common name: Grey Shrike-thrush
Scientific name: Colluricincla harmonica
Approximate length: 23 cm.
Date spotted: 16 August 2021 (winter)
Location: Manly Dam Reserve, New South Wales, Australia: 33°46’07.4″S 151°14’36.8″E

Shy Grey Shrike-thrush

This is the first time I’ve spotted one of these birds. I think it’s a Grey Shrike-thrush. Neat and tidy, with understated grey plumage. The bird took great care to remain hidden behind the leaves and branches of a Banksia. I snapped a shot when it peeped out to see if I was still around:

Peeking out again:

Now that I know Grey Shrike-thrushes are a thing, I’ll keep a look out and try to get a better picture.

Common name: Grey Shrike-thrush

Scientific name: Colluricincla harmonica

Approximate length: 23 cm

Date spotted: 19 May 2018 (Autumn)

Location: Manly Dam National Park, New South Wales, Australia: 33°46’36.7″S 151°15’16.9″E