Category Archives: Raven

Australian Raven with eyes like ice

Australian Ravens are fierce, proud birds. Their black plumage shimmers blue in the sunlight, and the icy cast of an eye is enough to send shivers down your spine. They’re inquisitive, intelligent, and sociable. This one perched on a rock at North Head near Manly, eyeing us with interest.

Australian Raven, North Head, Manly

Common name: Australian Raven

Scientific name: Corvus coronoides

Approximate length: 50 cm

Date spotted: Sunday 30 October 2016

Season: Spring

Location: North Head, Manly, New South Wales, Australia

Latitude/longitude: 33°49’10.1″S 151°17’49.6″E

Australian Raven cawing in a gum tree

Australian Ravens are big birds, a gorgeous blue-black in colour, with feathery beards and blue-circled eyes. This one was perched high in a gum tree, calling its haunting cry: “Ah ah ah aaaaaoooow”.

Common name: Australian Raven

Scientific name: Corvus coronoides

Approximate length: 50 cm

Date spotted: Sunday 27 October 2013

Season: Spring

Location: Manly Dam Reserve, New South Wales, Australia

Latitude/longitude: -33.782572,151.255698