Category Archives: Cuckoo

Scruffy Channel-billed Cuckoo

Are you often woken up in the early hours of the summer morning by a hoarse hooting noise? It sounds like giants boasting about a joke they’ve played on the world. The call puts the Kookaburras to shame, in terms of melody (lack thereof) and loudness (excess thereof).

That noise is made by the Channel-billed Cuckoos. One of my earlier posts has a recording of the call. This picture shows a rather scruffy-looking example of these birds. It’s probably spent the night out on the town:

Channel-billed Cuckoos spend the winter in Papua New Guinea and Indonesia, then migrate southwards to Australia for the summer. We see them in the Sydney area from September through to March each year. The first time I hear their raucous call, I know that spring has arrived.

Like many cuckoos, these birds lay their eggs in the nest of another species. Often, the parent cuckoo breaks the eggs of the host birds. When the young cuckoo hatches, the luckless host parents then feed and protect the cuckoo chick until it’s ready to leave the nest.

Channel-billed Cuckoos are large birds. Their appearance matches their call: Take no nonsense from no-one. Here’s a view of the bird’s head in profile, with that impressive red eye and hooked beak:

To see more pics and videos, check out my list of cuckoo posts.

Common name: Channel-billed Cuckoo

Scientific name: Scythrops novaehollandiae

Approximate length: 58-65 cm

Date spotted: 28 December 2019 (summer)

Location: Manly Dam Reserve, New South Wales, Australia: 33°47’00.6″S 151°15’10.1″E

Male Koel Cuckoo in shot at last

Recently I’ve managed to snap a few shots of female Eastern Koels, also called Common Koels or Koel Cuckoos. Now a male has come into my sights:

While the female is rather pretty, with shades of cream and brown overlaid with stylish spots, the male is primarily black. In fact, this photo shows more variation in colour than usual, because of the soft morning light.

If you’d like to see some shots of the females, or hear some of the cuckoos’ calls, take a look at this list of posts.

Common name: Common Koel or Eastern Koel

Scientific name: Eudynamys scolopacea

Approximate length: 45 cm

Date spotted: 28 December 2018 (Summer)

Location: Allambie Heights, New South Wales, Australia

Koel cuckoos calling

The Koel cuckoos are in town! They were diving through the treetops and calling all round me when I went for a stroll in the bush today. Here’s a picture of one of them – a female:

In the following short video you can hear the cuckoos calling to each other. You can’t actually see any birds:

Common name: Common Koel or Eastern Koel

Scientific name: Eudynamys scolopacea

Approximate length: 45 cm

Date spotted: 25 November 2018 (spring)

Location: Manly Dam National Park, New South Wales, Australia: 33°46’56.2″S 151°15’22.5″E

Female Koel cuckoo

Koel cuckoos have been swooping and calling around our house the last couple of days. They arrive in this neck of the woods in spring and head off again for northern climes in autumn. While here, they lay eggs in another bird’s nest and leave it up to the host family to feed the youngster. Typical cuckoo.

This is a female Koel cuckoo. They’re impressive to look at, and quite decorative in contrast to the completely-black male of the species.

An earlier post shows a male Koel cuckoo, and you can play the video in that post to hear their call.

Common name: Common Koel or Eastern Koel

Scientific name: Eudynamys scolopacea

Approximate length: 45 cm

Date spotted: 10 November 2018 (spring)

Location: Allambie Heights, NSW, Australia

Raucous call of Channel-billed Cuckoos

They arrive in south eastern Australia in spring. They’re spooky to look at. In the early hours of the morning, their call puts even the kookaburras to shame.

In this video, you don’t see any birds – it’s too dark – but you can hear them!

Here’s a picture of a Channel-billed Cuckoo from another date:

To see more pics and videos, check out my list of cuckoo posts.

Common name: Channel-billed Cuckoo

Scientific name: Scythrops novaehollandiae

Approximate length: 58-65 cm

Date heard: 22 September 2018 (Spring)

Location: Allambie Heights, NSW, Australia

Koel Cuckoo regurgitates food

Today I spotted a young female Koel Cuckoo. The males are so dark in colour that it’s hard to see them in fine detail. Photographs end up being just a black blob. But this female is quite pretty.

Young female Koel Cuckoo

This video shows the bird sitting quietly on the branch, not doing much. At around 20 seconds into the video, she regurgitates some fruit and then swallows it again.

Adult Koel Cuckoos have red eyes, but youngsters can keep the brown colour into their second summer. I thought I glimpsed a glint of red every now and then, but her eyes are still mostly dark brown.

Young female Koel Cuckoo

Here’s another side view of her, sheltering behind the foliage:

Young female Koel Cuckoo

She decided to stretch her wings. I was behind her at the time, so there’s a lovely view of soft down and the underside of her wings:

Young female Koel Cuckoo

Common name: Common Koel or Eastern Koel

Scientific name: Eudynamys scolopacea

Approximate length: 45 cm

Date spotted: 27 November 2016

Season: Spring

Location: Manly Dam Reserve, New South Wales, Australia

Latitude/longitude: 33°46’35.6″S 151°15’16.8″E


Channel-billed Cuckoo fending off Australian Miners

The call of the Channel-billed Cuckoo announces that spring has arrived. These large, ugly, yet splendid birds arrive in Eastern Australia in early spring every year, returning from their seasonal migration to Indonesia and New Guinea.

They’re the largest cuckoos in the world, at a length of around 60 cm and a wingspan of 1 metre. Yet, despite their size, they’re cowed by the little Australian Miner (length 25 cm, wingspan 40 cm). To those who know Australian birds, this isn’t surprising. The Miner, also known as the Noisy Miner, is aggressive and fearless, attacking birds and animals far larger than itself.

In this video you can hear the pesky Australian Miners chirping and heckling, and the cuckoo hissing and groaning in response:

This video shows a couple of Noisy Miners dive-bombing the cuckoo:

Here’s the cuckoo in a moment of quiet contemplation. Note the red eyes and the large, curved beak:

Channel-billed Cuckoo

A view of the cuckoo from behind, surrounded by gum tree flowers:

Channel-billed Cuckoo

Common name: Channel-billed Cuckoo

Scientific name: Scythrops novaehollandiae

Approximate length: 58-65 cm

Date spotted: 8 October 2016

Season: Spring

Location: Manly Dam National Park, New South Wales, Australia

Latitude/longitude: 33°46’59.1″S 151°15’09.5″E

Cuckoos are back in town

They’re noisy creatures, but I love it when the cuckoos arrive in Sydney. They herald the start of spring. They also send the local birds into a tizzy. Territorial disputes abound. The kookaburras have a rival for their 5am wake-up duties. And the noisy miners have another large bird to terrorise.

The cuckoos are migratory, spending the warmer half the year in Australia and the cooler half in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and other northern climes. Two types of cuckoos make themselves known in our neighbourhood by their loud calls: the Channel-billed Cuckoos and the Koel Cuckoos.

Channel-billed Cuckoo

The Channel-billed Cuckoos are the largest cuckoos in the world. With their red eyes and large beaks, they’re an impressive sight. Today I was lucky to see one reasonably close by, and I was amazed by the way it moves. This one was being bothered by a noisy miner. The cuckoo was constantly bending and wriggling its neck to try and spot its tormentor. At the end of the video, you’ll see it looking up in alarm then disappearing with a flash of its tail, as the much smaller miner dive-bombs it.

Here’s a still photo of the same cuckoo peering out from underneath a canopy of leaves:

Channel-billed Cuckoo

In this one, the cuckoo is looking reasonable relaxed but on the alert for attack:


And here it’s definitely wary:


Common name: Channel-billed Cuckoo

Scientific name: Scythrops novaehollandiae

Approximate length: 58-65 cm

Date spotted: 1 November 2015

Season: Summer

Location: Allambie Heights, New South Wales, Australia

Latitude/longitude: 33°46’13.9″S 151°15’39.2″E

Koel Cuckoo

Then there are the Koel Cuckoos, like this one who came calling recently:

Here’s a photo of the Koel Cuckoo in full throat:

Koel cuckoo

Common name: Common Koel or Eastern Koel

Scientific name: Eudynamys scolopacea

Approximate length: 45 cm

Date spotted: 11 October 2015

Season: Summer

Location: Allambie Heights, New South Wales, Australia

Latitude/longitude: 33°46’13.9″S 151°15’39.2″E

The call of a Koel Cuckoo

We often hear Koel Cuckoos at this time of year, but it’s unusual to spot one. This male Common Koel (sometimes called an Eastern Koel) sat in a tree at dawn, calling out to his mates. Some Australian Miner birds swooped in to pester him, as they do.

Koels are migratory, travelling from the east coast of Australia to Indonesia, south-east Asia and India. They arrive in Australia in September, and leave again around March. It’s a lovely sign of spring when we first hear their call each year.

Common name: Common Koel or Eastern Koel

Scientific name: Eudynamys scolopacea

Approximate length: 45 cm

Date spotted: 7 December 2013

Season: Summer

Location: Allambie Heights, New South Wales, Australia