Grey Fantail

This is only the second time I’ve managed to get a picture of a Grey Fantail. Grey Fantails are smaller than Willie Wagtails, and softer in colouring. They make a similar squeaky call, but not quite as piercing as Willie Wagtail.

I’ll try to get a good photo of a Grey Fantail, if one of them will stay still long enough! In the meantime, here’s the earlier video that I took of one of these birds, about three years ago. The bird was showing off its tail-fanning skills.

Common name: Grey Fantail

Scientific name: Rhipidura fuliginosa

Approximate length: 14-17 cm

Date spotted: 4 September 2020 (spring)

Location: Manly Dam Reserve, New South Wales, Australia: 33°46’23.8″S 151°15’05.8″E

About Sarah Maddox

Technical writer, author and blogger in Sydney

Posted on 2020/09/04, in Birds, Fantail and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. ❤💛🎵💚💞💙😘

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