Willie Wagtail

Each time I walk around a particular area of the Manly Dam national park, there’s a little Willie Wagtail darting from branch to branch. I don’t know if it’s the same bird each time. It’s cute and cheeky. In this shot, I caught the bird in a rare contemplative mood:

In a previous post, I published a couple of videos of a Willie Wagtail in Pyrmont, near the Sydney city centre. In particular, the first video shows the bird carolling its song to all passers-by, with the Sydney harbour in the background. It’s worth a look: Willie Wagtail sings to beauty at dawn.

Common name: Willie Wagtail

Scientific name: Rhipidura leucophrys

Approximate length: 20 cm

Date spotted: 6 May 2020 (autumn)

Location: Manly Dam National Park, New South Wales, Australia: 33°46’34.3″S 151°14’47.4″E

About Sarah Maddox

Technical writer, author and blogger in Sydney

Posted on 2020/05/06, in Birds, Fantail, Willie Wagtail and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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