Fluffy Australasian Grebe, not a duckling

Update on 19 April: The bird is actually an Australasian Grebe, not a duckling as I originally thought. Thanks to Pamela and Carol for helping to identify the bird (see comments on this post).

This tiny ball of fluff was zooming around an inlet of Manly Dam. I thought it was a Mallard duckling, because it seemed to spend most time close to an adult Mallard. Despite its size, the little thing was independent of spirit and a fast paddler.

Common name: Australasian Grebe

Scientific name: Tachybaptus novaehollandiae

Approximate length: 23-25 cm

Date spotted: 6 April 2020 (autumn)

Location: Manly Dam National Reserve, near Sydney: 33°46’34.8″S 151°14’49.6″E

This is the Mallard that the little one seemed to home in on:

Mallards are an introduced species in Australia. Their original home is the northern hemisphere, but they’re quite common in south eastern Australia now too.

Common name: Mallard

Scientific name: Anas Platyrhynchos

Approximate length: 50-70 cm

Date spotted: 6 April 2020 (autumn)

Location: Manly Dam National Reserve, near Sydney: 33°46’34.8″S 151°14’49.6″E

About Sarah Maddox

Technical writer, author and blogger in Sydney

Posted on 2020/04/13, in Birds, Duck, Grebe and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 10 Comments.

  1. Hi Sarah – it doesn’t look like a mallard duckling to me. Facial pattern and bill are not right. If you search for mallard duckling photos – there are a lot of photos and jsut don’t look like yous to me. Could it be a hybrid of some kind? Mallards are known to easily hybridize.

  2. Hi Sarah, I replied on twitter as well – it’s an Australasian Grebe. Looks like it still has a remnant of juvenile plumage on its head though it’s probably adult size – even the adults are small and can be mistaken for ducklings. The fluffy bum, the longer neck and the shape of the bill are the main give-aways that it’s a grebe. If you watch it you’ll see that it dives regularly. It might have been associating with the ducks because that’s where the food was. Lovely photo!

  3. I’m glad this mystery was solved. I sure thought it looked like a grebe when I saw your first post, But not being as familiar with Australian birds, I wasn’t sure either. But the bill and the puffy butt… Thanks for pursuing a definitive id.

  1. Pingback: Battlestar Grebe | Sydney Birder

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