Call of the Pale-yellow Robin is a bit dull

From high above the bush path came an insistent cheep-cheeping. After a bit of searching amongst the swaying branches (it was a windy day) I spotted the noise-maker: a Pale-yellow Robin:

Pale-yellow Robins are very similar in appearance to Eastern Yellow Robins. I’ve seen a few of the latter (see all my robin posts) but if my identification is right then this is the first time I’ve spotted a Pale-yellow Robin. Pale-yellows are smaller than Eastern Yellows (12 cm in length as opposed to 15) and have more white around the beak and throat. My bird book says they’re sedentary and common. They like rainforest and dense eucalypt forests.

Common name: Pale-yellow Robin

Scientific name: Tregellasia capito

Approximate length: 12 cm

Date spotted: 7 September 2019 (early spring)

Location: Manly Dam National Park, New South Wales, Australia: 33°46’27.0″S 151°15’01.5″E

About Sarah Maddox

Technical writer, author and blogger in Sydney

Posted on 2019/09/08, in Birds, Robin and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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