Magpie song with a touch of Star Wars

A sociable magpie dropped by the other day to try out its song on me. I think the bird is still a youngster, as its eyes are not yet the bright red of an adult. The magpie let me get up to about two metres away, and still happily continued its song. I didn’t try to get any closer. After all, it’s a wild bird and entitled to its space. Plus, magpies are known to fly off the handle at times.

As well as the usual magpie warbles, this bird adds a few extra whistles and chirps. Sometimes it sounds as if it’s been listening to a Star Wars sound track!

Common name: Australian Magpie

Scientific name: Gymnorhina tibicen

Approximate length: 40 cm

Date spotted: 24 December 2018 (Summer)

Location: Allambie Heights, NSW, Australia (near Sydney

About Sarah Maddox

Technical writer, author and blogger in Sydney

Posted on 2018/12/25, in Birds, Magpie and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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