Figbirds in Pyrmont, Sydney

A group of birds has caught my attention on my way to work this past week. They collect in some trees in Pyrmont near the Sydney Maritime Museum, uttering soft “chweeeep” calls to each other. I took some photos and looked them up in my bird book. It turns out they’re Figbirds, which I’ve never seen before.

Here’s a female Figbird showing off its streaked underbelly:

This one is also a female, with a pretty brown head:

Looking down at me with curiosity:

Ready to fly away:

This is a male Figbird, with the distinctive red patch of skin around the eye:

And a shot of the male’s olive-coloured front:

Common name: Figbird

Scientific name: Sphecotheres viridis

Approximate length: 28 cm

Date spotted: 22-23 August 2017 (Early spring)

Location: Pyrmont, Sydney: 33°52’06.5″S 151°11’52.2″E

About Sarah Maddox

Technical writer, author and blogger in Sydney

Posted on 2017/08/26, in Birds, Figbird and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Hi Sarah, yes they are lovely birds. I have only seen a male figbird once at a local park about a year ago and it sounded lovely. At the time I didn’t know what it was either and had to look it up when I got home. Bonus to you for seeing both the males and females!

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