The call of a Koel Cuckoo

We often hear Koel Cuckoos at this time of year, but it’s unusual to spot one. This male Common Koel (sometimes called an Eastern Koel) sat in a tree at dawn, calling out to his mates. Some Australian Miner birds swooped in to pester him, as they do.

Koels are migratory, travelling from the east coast of Australia to Indonesia, south-east Asia and India. They arrive in Australia in September, and leave again around March. It’s a lovely sign of spring when we first hear their call each year.

Common name: Common Koel or Eastern Koel

Scientific name: Eudynamys scolopacea

Approximate length: 45 cm

Date spotted: 7 December 2013

Season: Summer

Location: Allambie Heights, New South Wales, Australia

About Sarah Maddox

Technical writer, author and blogger in Sydney

Posted on 2013/12/07, in Birds, Cuckoo and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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