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Emu, turkey, and peacock at Walkabout Wildlife Sanctuary

Today we visited the Walkabout Wildlife Sanctuary, which is about 75 km north of Sydney (map). We spent the day among the animals and walking the bush trails. It’s a lovely, relaxing place to visit.

While there, I took some videos of the birds that stroll around the pathways. First, an emu. Emus are large native Australian birds. This one came a little closer than I was expecting when I started filming it!

Next, some turkeys. These birds are from North America rather than Australia. They’re busily showing off their tails to each other. A couple of emus stroll past in the midst of the show:

Encouraged by the turkeys’ display, a peacock showed its gorgeous tail and did a bit of strutting around too. This type of peacock originated in India:

It’s well worth a visit to the Walkabout Wildlife Sanctuary (map). There’s plenty to do, whether you like to sit and watch the birds walk by, or go for a stroll along the bush paths, or hear about the animals from the rangers in the park.