Category Archives: Thornbill

Thornbills at Lake Windamere

Lake Windamere is on the Cudgegong River, near Mudgee in the NSW Central Tablelands. We stopped there for a break while travelling westwards from Sydney at the start of our Outback trip. Several small birds flitted amongst the trees at the water’s edge, including Yellow-rumped and Yellow Thornbills. Although these are common birds, both are firsts for me. I’ve only sighted a Brown Thornbill before.

Here’s a Yellow-rumped Thornbill, looking spiffing with its black-and-white spotted forehead, dark eye stripe, and throat shading from buff to yellow:

Another Yellow-rumped Thornbill, looking not quite as smart:

Next is a Yellow Thornbill:

We were at the end of the lake near Windamere Dam:

Common names: Yellow-rumped Thornbill and Yellow Thornbill
Scientific name: Acanthiza chrysorrhoa and Acanthiza nana
Length: 11-12 cm and 9-10 cm
Date spotted: 17 May 2024 (autumn)
Location: Lake Windamere, Cudgegong, New South Wales, Australia: 32°43’35.7″S 149°46’14.2″E

Brown Thornbill in the rain

This is my first recording of a Brown Thornbill. They’re tiny little birds (about 10 cm long from tip of beak to end of tail) that spend their time in the middle-to-low area of a forest. This one was dodging raindrops in search of insects:

Brown Thornbills have a soft colouring of light brown to fawn, with darker edges to the tail and wings. The chin, throat and breast have light grey speckles:

The little bird puffed itself up to ward off the cold and wet, much as I was doing by huddling in my cosy warm jacket.

Common name: Brown Thornbill
Scientific name: Acanthiza pusilla
Length: 9.5-10.5 cm
Date spotted: Sunday 31 December 2023 (summer)
Location: Blue Mountains National Park, New South Wales, Australia: 33°33’58.9″S 150°20’40.8″E