Plant Hopper on my window

(Not a bird, but probably of interest to birds as well as birders.)

A couple of days ago, this tiny little creature appeared on my window pane:

The creature is tiny (a few millimetres long), it’s on the inside of the window pane but on the other side of a gauze netting that we use to keep the insects out, and it’s in silhouette because of the light coming in from the outside. I was pleased that my mobile phone’s camera managed to get any shot at all.

After a bit of research, I think the creature is most likely a Plant Hopper — my best bet: the Passionvine Hopper, Scolypopa australis. Alternatively, it could be a Leaf Hopper.

The creature moves in a strange way. It’s wings remain entirely still, and the whole creature kind of glides across the surface:

It’s odd how the wings appear to be transparent ovals, with what looks like other wing patterns imprinted on them. At one point, the creature made a short, very quick jump from one spot to another — so quick that I didn’t see the movement. I just saw that it had gone from one place and appeared a few inches away. I didn’t catch that movement on video.

This shorter video shows the creature moving more slowly:

If you have a positive identification or know more about this little insect, I’d love to hear it.

About Sarah Maddox

Technical writer, author and blogger in Sydney

Posted on 2024/04/19, in Not a bird and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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