Red-bellied Black Snake at Turon River

This post is not about a bird. Instead, it’s about a large and beautiful snake that I encountered near the banks of the Turon River in New South Wales. We were travelling along Upper Turon Road, on the way from Capertee to Sofala. I brought the car to a quick halt when I noticed the snake in the middle of the road:

It was close on two metres long, and very lively indeed. We jumped out to take some pictures. The snake moved off the road onto the grass and came over to have a look at us:

It’s a Red-bellied Black Snake (Pseudechis porphyriacus). Evidently their bites are rarely fatal, although the venom can cause quite severe illness. Usually, these snakes move away from humans. This one was an exception. It appeared to be very interested in us, and we kept well clear of it while admiring its beauty.

This video shows the snake making its way off the road onto the grass:

It felt like a great privilege to encounter this creature as it went about its daily life.

About Sarah Maddox

Technical writer, author and blogger in Sydney

Posted on 2023/04/14, in Not a bird and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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