Yellow Figbird in Tropical North Queensland

Last weekend I was at Mission Beach in Tropical North Queensland. While there, I spotted a group of figbirds. The colouring of the males was quite different from the figbirds of the Sydney region. The northern variation (Sphecotheres viridis flaviventris) is called the Yellow Figbird for good reason:

Common name: Yellow Figbird
Scientific name: Sphecotheres viridis flaviventris
Approximate length: 29 cm
Date spotted: 15 May 2021 (autumn)
Location: Mission Beach, Tropical North Queensland, Australia: 17°51’56.6″S 146°06’33.5″E

Compare the more subdued colouring of this male figbird in the Sydney region:

About Sarah Maddox

Technical writer, author and blogger in Sydney

Posted on 2021/05/22, in Birds, Figbird and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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