Triangle of power: Three Powerful Owls

High, high in the trees perched three of Australia’s biggest owls: Powerful Owls:

I used the super zoom on my camera to see one of the birds up close. It knew I was there! What big eyes:

Powerful Owls eat small creatures, including possums. The birds can weigh well over 2 kilograms, and reach up to 65 centimetres in height. Look at those huge feet and strong claws. Like all owls, the birds hunt at night and roost quietly during the day.

Common name: Powerful Owl
Scientific name: Ninox strenua
Approximate length: 65 cm
Date spotted: 6 December 2020 (summer)
Location: Manly Dam Park, New South Wales, Australia. (Approximate map reference: 33°46’55.8″S 151°15’12.1″E)

About Sarah Maddox

Technical writer, author and blogger in Sydney

Posted on 2020/12/06, in Birds, Owl and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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